发布时间:2025-03-19 08:58:04
在高速公路上的区间测速(Interval Speeding)并不意味着只要车辆超过限速就可能被标记为违规。根据交通法规,区间测速的处罚标准如下:
- 限速10%以内: vehicles will not be penalized.
- 限速10%-20%之间: You may be charged with a fine and/or have your license suspended, provided the average speed is below the limit by 10-20%.
- 限速20%-30%之间: You may be charged with a fine and/or have your license suspended, but only if the average speed exceeds the limit by more than 20%.
- 限速30%-50%之间: Similar to point 3, you will face a fine and/or suspension, but only if the average speed exceeds the limit by more than 30%.
- 限速50%-70%之间: You may be charged with a fine and/or have your license suspended, but this applies if the average speed exceeds the limit by more than 50%. Additionally, if the vehicle is subject to heavy load or has significant spare room (e.g., cargo truck, SUV), you may also face possible enforcement actions.
- 限速70%以上: If your vehicle’s average speed exceeds the set limit by more than 70%, you will be charged with a fine and/or have your license suspended, along with possible吊销驾照 or other consequences.
Key Points:
- Interval测速的计算是基于车辆在一段距离内的平均速度,而不是单一时间点的速度。
- 如果车辆在一段距离内的平均速度不超过限速的10%,不会被标记为违规记录。
- 超过一定比例但未超过上限时,可能面临罚款和扣分,甚至可能吊销驾照。
- 驾驶者应严格遵守交通法规,确保行车安全。